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24 private sessions live on Zoom with Melanie Ryan


The Golden Shadow Method is based on Jungian psychology, Eastern philosophy, and indigenous wisdom. It focuses on bringing what is hidden in the unconscious into the light of awareness. Self exploration and realization brings about transformation in your life and awakens higher states of consciousness, increases your psychic and creative abilities, and brings healing to all of humanity. 



When we integrate the unconscious,

we become loving, compassionate, creative beings,

which is the source of our true nature.


Pillar One - Jung & the Shadow (8 sessions)


  • Learn about Carl Jung’s teachings on the Shadow and the dark and golden shadows of the psyche. 

  • Understand the personal and collective unconscious.

  • Learn and practice Jung’s techniques of active imagination to discover what is hidden in the unconscious. 

  • Work with archetypes, myth, and legends to access the unconscious. 

  • Learn how repression, denial, and Shadow projection create negative patterns, illness and suffering in your life and how to reverse this.

  • Learn how to work with intense emotional activations (triggers) and the alchemical process of transmuting dark into golden light.

  • Gain a clear understanding of alchemy and what Jung called “the path of individuation,” a path of becoming whole and authentic.

  • Awaken your unconscious sources of strength, creativity and authenticity to allow a more successful and joyful life. 

Pillar Two – Buddha & the Shadow (8 sessions)


  • Learn Buddhist teachings that bring mental clarity, cut through illusions and self-deceptions, and awaken your true nature of Bodhicitta. 

  • Create a healthy lifestyle that promotes inner work and inner peace. 

  • Develop a home meditation practice with support from Melanie.

  • Learn shamantha meditation practice to develop mental strength, stability and clarity.

  • Learn a variety meditation practices for contemplation and for working with difficult emotions. 

  • Learn the Sacred Path of the Warrior Shambhala teachings of the renowned Tibetan Buddhist master Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.


Pillar Three – Shaman & the Shadow (8 sessions)


  • Learn the history of shamanism, the oldest healing practice in the world.

  • Learn to safely navigate the spirit world and use protection.

  • Retrieve your power animal, plant ally, and spiritual guide and learn how to use them for healing and transformation. 

  • Connect with nature and the healing power of the Earth and all elements. 

  • Heal a past life and clear karmic debt.

  • Learn how to deal with tricksters and the Lords of the Underworld.

  • Access higher states of consciousness, develop intuition and psychic abilities. 

  • Become more creative, playful and authentic.


Ready to go deeper?




33 private sessions live on Zoom with Melanie Ryan


*pre-requisite – completion of the three pillars of the GSM,

or approved by Melanie Ryan


Spiral One - Healing Mind – Awakening the true nature of a clear and conscious Bodhi Mind.

(11 sessions)

  1. Using Eastern Philosophy to shift your perspective, work with cutting through illusions, denial and self-doubt. 

  2. Study of ancient Buddhist philosophy and meditation practice as source of self-awareness and wisdom. 

  3. Develop a home meditation practice that will help you build mental strength, stability, clarity, and a positive mindset. 

  4. Learn meditation practices that will help you work with difficult emotions.

  5. Undo false beliefs and negative thoughts that limit you from reaching your potential. 

  6. Understand the nature of reality, transcend the illusions of duality, and shift to higher states of consciousness. 

  7. Make the necessary changes to create a simple lifestyle not based on materialism and avoidance. 

  8. Work with mandalas and symbols to access the unconscious. 


Spiral Two - Healing the Body – Awakening the true nature of your body’s intelligence and healing power.

(11 sessions) 

  1. Learn about naturopathy and the Terrain Model of holistic health and healing.

  2. Return to nature and stop interfering with your body’s powerful intelligence and ability to heal itself. 

  3. Cease to consume things that are toxic and suppressing of emotions, i.e. processed foods, sugar alcohol, caffeine, etc. 

  4. Receive assessment for nutrient dense supplements that address your unique vitamin and mineral deficiencies and begin rebuilding your body. (Dr. Marizelle Arce consult).

  5. Work with your Shadow as it surfaces and allow for repressed emotions to release and a deep cleanse of the psyche to occur. 

  6. Learn what foods nourish you and build a food network system that is organic, local and sustainable. 

  7. Learn new and healthy lifestyle patterns, i.e. exercise, meditation, creativity, and cooking.  

  8. Spend time in nature, get sunshine, drink water, live in a clean environment. 


Spiral Three – Healing the Soul – Awakening the true nature of the Soul and returning to wholeness.

(11 sessions)

  1. Understand how trauma creates soul loss / soul fragmentation. 

  2. Learn how triggers, dreams, and illness are messengers of the Soul. 

  3. Learn Ancient Greek healing and indigenous wisdom for mending the Soul.

  4. Practice Jungian active imagination to build a relationship with your lost Soul parts.

  5. Work with archetypes, power animals and spiritual guides to restore lost power and Soul parts. 

  6. Learn how to complete a full soul retrieval. 

  7. Retrieve lost positive aspects, hidden gifts and personality traits that were disowned and split off due to trauma. 

  8. Heal past lives, ancestral trauma, and karmic debts. 

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